Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On Sunday 22nd July we hoped to welcome the world famous Tiffin Boys Choir from England to support us in a sung eucharist. Unfortunately, it was not to be.......... Because of the heavy rains in England, the flights to Bucharest from London were severely disrupted, and at 1000 on Sunday morning we had to start our service with neither choir nor organist!

The service was led by the Reader, who proved that although he is a reasonably proficient reader, his singing skills leave much to be desired! However, by 2pm part of the group reached Bucharest via Frankfurt and at 4pm they performed an impromptu concert in church before a small but very appreciative audience. Before they left they learned a Romanian version of "If you're happy and you know it......" which they intend to sing during their tour of Romanian cities over the coming week.

Yet another confirmation about the best laid plans of mice and men................... Thank you God, for proving once again never to take anything for granted!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Church of the Resurrection Garden Party

On Friday 13th July the church held a British Garden Party at the home of Philip and Karine Hall. We were very lucky with the weather and over 150 people came along and enjoyed a fun packed evening with barbecued food, cold beer and wine, and lots of good company.

One of the highlights of the evening was a live auction where different gifts were auctioned-everything from two tickets for the Rolling Stones concert in Bucharest to 365 bottles of beer-one for every day of the year! Guest auctioneers included both the British Ambassador and Deputy Ambassador.

We are incredibly grateful to the large number of local businesses and individuals who gave so many things to help the evening be such an enormous success. In total we managed to raise over 6500 euros for our church funds. Even more important than that, everybody who attended seemed to enjoy their evening.